Mobile Products

CuVo is spearheading the mission to transform consumer satisfaction within the mobile app sphere. Despite the mobile app economy generating an astounding half a trillion dollars in revenues, largely from ads and in-app purchases, customer service still lags in terms of responsiveness and scale. By addressing this critical area, CuVo is redefining how consumers interact with mobile apps.



As high speed WiFi becomes ubiquitous, more consumers go mobile-first especially on productivity applications. CuVo is your trusted  partner when it comes to delivering customer success at scale. 

CuVo gives you a 360-degree perspective on your consumers, determining and predicting trends in consumer behavior. It also automates responses to users, helping you increase user engagement and lower customer support costs, at scale.

Use Cases


Leveraging modern AI, CuVo empowers your support team to efficiently handle customer queries. It detects patterns in customer requests, enabling automation of responses on a large scale.

With Cuvo, maintaining customer service level agreements (SLAs) becomes effortless. Furthermore, its continuous learning capabilities ensure an increasingly personalized and streamlined customer service experience.


CuVo helps you triage customer signals and get guidance on product enhancements. CuVo connects  customer impact to development teams to drive feature requirements with a focus on reducing customer churn. 

With CuVo you can have continuous planning and delivery for the highest business impact and prioritize product requests based on customer interactions.


Cuvo dynamically transforms data from multiple sources into actionable intelligence, infusing each customer interaction with contextual relevance. Through the use of enriched tickets, fine-tuned on your nuanced internal data, Cuvo promotes deeper understanding and facilitates strategic actions.

Moreover, Cuvo ensures that every piece of essential information is effectively leveraged, significantly enhancing the quality of your customer interactions and support outcomes.

Optimize Consumer Engagement

Welcome to the CuVo blog for insights from digital experts on the latest in product and customer excellence in media, mobile, and gaming

Leveraging customer intelligence to power product growth

Mala Ramakrishnan

The revolution in media and entertainment

Phani Kolaraja

Role of AI in customer service

Chandra Narayanasamy


The CuVo Difference

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